Our Musicians:We bring together amateur and professional musicians from the tri-state area and offer a platform for emerging artists, composers, and conductors from all over. Our musicians volunteer their time and talents to make Litha New York's premier summer ensemble.
During the regular season—between September and June—most of our musicians are involved with other ensembles or they are educators. With having our season from June through August, we give a unique opportunity for musicians from all over the area to join together and make great music.
Come Perform with us!
Do you play an instrument and want to join a challenging and exciting orchestra? Fill out the form and we'll reach out to you if there's an opening in our regular season or any of our events outside of the summer season.
Are you a conductor, composer or aspiring concert soloist? Use the form to let us know you're interested in working with us! |
Please note that our woodwind and brass sections may not have immediate openings. We can always add you to the waitlist until a spot opens up.